Thursday, April 23, 2020

Summary of Resources

I'm quite impressed with all the resources available for free from so many sources, and also those provided by our district, Richardson ISD!  But it can be a little overwhelming to parents, so I'm making this list to help me (& potentially others) as a place for all links in one spot (and hopefully encourage me to close some of the tabs of my browser)!😉

RISD At Home Learning: 

Virtual Field Trips - for a calendar of suggested Field Trips click here
  •  Places to go on Google Earth, like Hawaii  

Anatomy & Physiology Lesson:




1st Communion Prep - Blessed Program by Dynamic Catholic 

Dallas Public Library is offering real-time classes, storytimes, and more on Zoom! Click link to see what's coming up next and register.

2020 Online Videos & Activities for Kids

Learning Resources for everyone (Adults):

Additional Courses:

  • Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential from McMaster University ★★★★★(2612)
  • A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment from Indian School of Business ★★★★★(435)
  • Mountains 101 from University of Alberta ★★★★★(336)
  • Introduction to Programming with MATLAB from Vanderbilt University ★★★★★(194)
  • Becoming a changemaker: Introduction to Social Innovation from University of Cape Town ★★★★★(17)
  • New Models of Business in Society from University of Virginia ★★★★☆(12)
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    This SUCKS, but I still have hope...

    This is NOT EASY, there are MANY disappointments, and if I stop to think about them or focus on what I'm missing too long, I'll get sad. It's OK to NOT be OK! (Anytime, but especially in a time like this)! There's uncertainty, likely lost incomes or work and SO many things we cannot control. If I think about that too much I'll get Anxious, and I've spent plenty of time with Anxiety over the last several months and years. So I'm not going there right now..

    What's helping me now? Why do I have hope? 
    Maybe it's because there is so much I can't control, that I've given up the illusion of control of my life, and realized its never really mine to control anyway so I should focus on what I can. 

    All we CAN control is our reaction to situations, what we choose to do (or not do), our focus and our attitudes. We can't control other people or what happens to us. We can't control the economy. We can't control government opening or not opening businesses. But we can control what we do each morning when we wake up.

    When I'm doing life well I wake up early. Like 5am early. I know that sounds crazy to many people, and NO, I don't set an alarm, but this is when I am at my best and most clearly able to think. If you've never tried it and need to get out of a rut, I suggest you try. (See Miracle Morning for specific suggestions, though I've been doing it much longer than that book has been around). If you say, No way could I do that, I'm a night owl, try it and see how it works. I used to be a night owl myself and when I had babies late nights were the only times I could control, but my brain isn't as clear and I'm not as productive late at night, or if I am, then I can't sleep and it puts me in a bad cycle.

    Waking up early gives me quiet time. I start the coffee and do Yoga each morning to meditate and stretch. When I'm finished, so is the coffee, and I sit and do my Bible Study and journal before anyone is awake and set my intentions and plan for the day. I have time to review my goals and priorities and set my daily tasks according to them so I can be intentional on my tasks and focus for the day rather than being in "reaction-mode" which is so easy to do, especially when you have others demanding things of you. And who doesn't...whether its a boss or kids or both.

    The other thing I think is key is CHOOSING GRATITUDE.
    Because when I'm thankful and counting my blessings (and there are many, for everyone, if you stop and really think) I am not focusing on what I'm missing or lacking, but what I want to thank God for.

    Each day I spend time outside if it's nice weather, and move my body, whether it's working in the yard or going on a bike ride, playing catch with the kids, or walking around the block.

    When I'm planning my day I write the names of several people I want to connect with, and when I get a break later I make phone calls or text those people to check in and let them know I'm thinking about them.

    During this time I think it's important to keep a semi-regular routine. No, you don't have to dress up and wear makeup or be ready to leave the house at 8am. But still maintain hygiene and at least change from your night PJs to your day yoga pants :-) 

    Spend time doing things you enjoy! I understand you may be barely surviving with all the changes, increased cooking and dishes, etc. And if you have multiple kids under 6 years old you're likely to not have much time to yourself, but it IS good to have hobbies, so maybe you can trade time with a spouse or do something together with your kids, like a hike or bike, music, playing in the dirt, dancing or walk.

    Listen to positive messages and people, and distance myself from negativity. The news can be a source of negativity, so monitor your reactions, and if you need to, limit your exposure. If you have negative people on your social media accounts, pray for them and maybe unfollow them.  

    And please give yourself GRACE!!! This is hard for everyone in different ways. While I don't know your unique situation I know we all have struggles and disappointments. It's not always easy to choose JOY but it's often possible. 

    If you're really struggling, please REACH OUT! You are NOT ALONE! It may look like everyone else is thriving, but that is likely not be the case. Or if they are, maybe they were in your place last week or last month. There is no shame in seeking help! - whether it be just a friend to talk to, a counselor, or maybe medication is needed to get over the hump so you can have enough energy and interest to start making changes - like exercise and hygiene that can get you moving in a positive direction... And I'm happy to talk to you too, so please feel free to message me! It's been a while since I've worked in mental health, but I have personally and former professional experience in all this.
    This crazy situation has highlighted the simple life lessons I should be practicing anyway - connecting daily to my maker and submitting my life to Him, knowing I am not really in control of what happens to me, only my reactions and emotions.

    "Shelter in Place" orders have put us back in our homes and forced us to connect most with those in our own households. To work on our communication and relations with those people who are hopefully most important to us. And this is often not easy. It has also highlighted the need to connect with others virtually. Social Distancing doesn't have to mean complete Social Isolation. Extroverts like me need to be around others (which isn't really possible now), so I make a phone call, schedule a Zoom or "Houseparty" with friends, or go out on my bike or a walk, where you will see real live humans out an about - like more than ever!

    Live each day so you can be happy with yourself when you wash your face at night (yes, be sure to still wash your face, and brush your teeth)!

    Saturday, April 18, 2020

    One Month of Quarantine

    Today marks one month of Quarantine/ "Shelter In Place": 
    1 month of no school
    ...a month of my kids learning many things in "At Home Learning"
    1 month of not going out to eat
    a month of SOOO many dishes
    1 month of seeing primarily only my immediate family members in person
    ...a month of multiple Zoom calls with family like never before
    1 month of gyms closed
    ...a month of more families out riding their bikes and people out exercising
    1 month of cleaning my own home
    ...a month of my kids learning new chores 
    1 month of missing seeing friends in person...a month of making plans to call & "see" friends (virtually), no matter the distance
    1 month of most stores being closed
    ...a month of learning how to order more online, planning ahead & increased patience  
    1 month ago being scared I may be sick with Coronavirus
    ...a month of being sooo incredibly grateful for my health, and that of my family's
    1 month of church buildings being closed
    ...a month relying much more on my faith and teaching my children faith in action.

    I'm actually quite surprised that I'm handling this so well. Reading my Bible Study this morning I read we should "consider it pure JOY when we face trials, as the testing of our faith produces patience/perseverance (James 1:2-3).  Yes, I can see that! I am JOYFUL despite facing trials... Has my patience been tested? Absolutely! Have I "lost it"? For Sure, and unfortunately more than I would like to admit. (Don't ask my family, as they'll say "Mom is stressed out"). But am I???... not as much as usual.

    I'm doing better with my mental health than I was before we were stuck in Quarantine. Before I answer WHY that may be, I want to first be transparent that I was NOT in a great place in the beginning of 2020. I was anxious and not super-motivated. January and February can be hard months, especially for someone who loves to be outside, and this year when it rained so much I was struggling a bit and wasn't at my best. We "celebrated" our 20 year Anniversary on February 19th with a nice dinner while the economy was still good, but were saving our big celebration for later this summer and our kids' first trip to Europe, to visit Italy and the city where we met. Little did we know that would be the height of the market for the foreseeable future. We had been watching the situation in Italy closely, and even prior to February I think I had underlying fears of this "Chinese Virus" dating back to January when some Public Health experts were predicting COVID-19 may infect 40-70% of the world. So I was anxious early, when others probably thought I was crazy and this virus infecting Asia would not have any impact on their lives, much like other epidemics that have affected Asia without causing harm on the rest of the world. Did I think we would be in this severe a predicament? No. But maybe I got over some of my Anxiety early. I had underlying Anxiety and increasing pessimism as I saw reports of Italians being infected and their society closing down, that our 25th Anniversary trip this summer, with five families (22 of us in a villa for a week) would not come to fruition. Sadly our Europe trip is postponed, and while I have hope that we will be able to take our family in Summer 2021, I know that it may look quite different due to changed financial situations and many unknowns. We live in a time of much uncertainty where we are aware we cannot forsee what the future holds, for both short term and long term and whatever is the "new normal".

    So why am I doing fine now?
    I'm fine because I'm trusting in God and relying on my faith. KNOWING HE is IN CHARGE and I'm not trying to control things out of my control. This is a lesson I should be able to follow more often, but much of the time we have the illusion of control and we think we are in charge of our own lives, rather than submitting to Him, the Almighty.

    I'm fine because I'm living according to my priorities and my life and time is aligned accordingly: Faith, Family and building relationships with those whom I care most about. And I'm living with INTENTION and PURPOSE according to these priorities. I'm schooling my children and making sure they're growing and learning. I'm taking care of my family by making sure they're fed. I'm acting frugally and not wastefully by using up what we have in the house rather than caving in to their requests for something specific that we don't NEED.

    I'm acting to help those less fortunate than us, and working to spread the gospel. Am I doing enough? Never. But I have opportunities to support important missions of helping get food and masks to healthcare workers. And reaching out to our faith community, and hopefully showing and sharing my faith publicly in the ways I can during this time. And getting my kids involved in acting their faith in addition to educating them about it.

    I'm fine because I'm taking time for myself and for exercise and being outside. I go out each day and garden and exercise. Either a bike ride, roller blades, singles tennis or tennis with the family. Exercise and being outdoors is VERY important to my mental health!

    My new Vegetable Garden
    Riding @ White Rock Lake

    A windy White Rock Lake

    I'm doing well because I have time each day to think! To set goals, and make plans for reaching them. To journal, Bible Study, waking up early, and making time where I won't be interrupted. Am I interrupted a lot? During the day when others are awake - yes, unless I leave my house which is why I leave on my bike after the school day is over. It's my release so I can be present with my family again and not so irritable. While I'm overseeing the kids learning I'm home to be able to put something in the crockpot so it's ready when I'm home from my ride.

    I'm doing well because I'm not living in my car driving everyone around non-stop. In normal times I think that helps me and I say I don't like being in my house and fear I'll get bored, but there are so many things to do when I'm motivated, boredom hasn't even entered my mind. I now realize how much time I'm wasting while driving and waiting for kids sports, etc. Do I miss their activities, yes!...mostly for them, but we are finding ways to keep them active and involved, and this has highlighted how important (or unimportant, as case may be) certain activities are for my kids.

    I hope that we come out of this Quarantine with a renewed sense of lasting purpose, for me and as a society so that I learn to say NO to the good in order to FOCUS and be ALL IN for my more selective "YES"s. 

    1st 1/2 week of school

    We survived our first week back at school - Virtual learning that is. I was pretty confident we could do it since we were fine for the Sprin...